Policy Pod
The Policy Pod is a series of thought-provoking informal conversations about policy design, advocacy, and critical analysis that explore key policy issues affecting New Zealand, the Asia Pacific, and the global community.
We talk to expert policy researchers and practitioners from a wide range of fields about the ways in which their work can contribute to evidence-informed policy-making.

Retirement Policy Summit Proceedings: Ngaire Kerse
Co-hosted by the Retirement Policy Research Centre, the Public Policy Institute and TOR 26 April 2019, University of Auckland Outline: The Retirement Income Policy Review terms of reference have been released by the Government, and a project manager for the review...
Retirement Policy Summit Proceedings: Matthew Bell
Co-hosted by the Retirement Policy Research Centre, the Public Policy Institute and TOR 26 April 2019, University of Auckland Outline: The Retirement Income Policy Review terms of reference have been released by the Government, and a project manager for the review...
Retirement Policy Summit Proceedings: Michael Littlewood
Co-hosted by the Retirement Policy Research Centre, the Public Policy Institute and TOR 26 April 2019, University of Auckland Outline: The Retirement Income Policy Review terms of reference have been released by the Government, and a project manager for the review...
Retirement Policy Summit Proceedings: Diana Crossan
Co-hosted by the Retirement Policy Research Centre, the Public Policy Institute and TOR 26 April 2019, University of Auckland Outline: The Retirement Income Policy Review terms of reference have been released by the Government, and a project manager for the review...
The Climate Change Crisis: Where on Earth are We Going? Will Steffen
View the recording of Will's talk: https://youtu.be/XrpQ8myeFOc Date And Time: Wed, 3 July 2019 5:30PM – 6:30PM Location: Lecture Theatre 346, Social Sciences Building (201N-346) 10 Symonds Street University of Auckland The Climate Change Crisis: Where on Earth are...
Decolonization Paradigm and Liberation Criminology
PROFESSOR ONWUBIKO (BIKO) AGOZINO Professor of Sociology and Africana Studies Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Virginia USA I Seelye Visiting Fellow The criminology discipline is closely tied to the project of colonization and patriarchal...
Black Lives Matter, Otherwise All Lives Do not Matter
PROFESSOR ONWUBIKO (BIKO) AGOZINO Professor of Sociology and Africana Studies Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Virginia USA I Seelye Visiting Fellow Long before three African American women registered the twitter handle, #BlacklivesMatter, and...
Watch: Marcia Langton – Ancient Wisdom for Modern Problems
* Delivered on Tuesday 30 April for the Public Policy Institute, as part of the Global Speakers Series Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples of Australia maintained knowledge traditions with their own philosophies and epistemologies that originated in...
Professor Kenneth Benoit Seminar: ‘The Ten Most Important Things I’ve Learned about Quantitative Text Analysis’
Hosted jointly by the Public Policy Institute and Compass, on 24 January 2019. Following nearly two decades of applied text analytics for social science and ten years actively developing analytic software for text analysis, this talk represents my top ten list of...
Climate Change: Carbon/Methane Challenges – Prof Myles Allen
Professor Myles Allen is a professor of GeoScience at the University of Oxford, Group leader of the Climate Dynamics Group (Oxford), Group Leader of the Climate Research Programme (Oxford), and is a member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. In this...