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Watch: Marcia Langton – Ancient Wisdom for Modern Problems
* Delivered on Tuesday 30 April for the Public Policy Institute, as part of the Global Speakers Series Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples of Australia maintained knowledge traditions with their own philosophies and epistemologies that originated in...
Professor Kenneth Benoit Seminar: ‘The Ten Most Important Things I’ve Learned about Quantitative Text Analysis’
Hosted jointly by the Public Policy Institute and Compass, on 24 January 2019. Following nearly two decades of applied text analytics for social science and ten years actively developing analytic software for text analysis, this talk represents my top ten list of...
Marcia Langton: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Problems
WHEN: Tuesday 30 April, 6-7pm WHERE: Maths Lecture Theatre (Room 102, Building 303), 38 Princes Street, University of Auckland REGISTER FOR THIS TALK Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples of Australia maintained knowledge traditions with their own...
Hamid Mamdouh – Challenges to the Multilateral Trading System
PUBLIC LECTURE: Abdel-Hamid Mamdouh PLEASE NOTE THE NEW DATE FOR THIS TALK: Monday 20 May, 12-1pm University of Auckland Conference Centre, 22 Symonds Street Building 423, Room 340 RSVP Essential: International trade has always played a critical...
Education in Extraordinary Times
'The Education Sector after Trump, Brexit and Christchurch: Hosted by the Europe Institute at the University of Auckland, featuring Prof. John Morgan (Education), Prof. Elizabeth Rata (Education), Dr Claire Meehan (Sociology). Recorded...
Equality for some: the challenge of poverty in Aotearoa New Zealand – a Panel Presentation
New Zealand Centre for Human Rights Law, Policy and Practice - Substantive Equality Month 2018 More information on The New Zealand Centre for Human Rights, Law, Policy and Practice. 'Equality for some: the challenge of poverty in Aotearoa New Zealand' was the topic...
Invisible impact and insecure academics: structural barriers to engagement and why we should do it anyway
Originally published on the LSE Impact Blog. Republished with permission. Participatory Action Research (PAR) is a form of research that involves prolonged and deep engagement with local communities and can produce profound social impacts. In this post, Dr Katrina...
A climate-neutral NZ? Yes, it’s possible
By Professor Myles Allen - New Zealand has a chance to show much larger emitters how climate change policy can be ambitious, fair and above all transparent, writes the University of Oxford's Myles Allen Last week showed me New Zealand at its best. I spent it, at...
Climate Change: The Carbon Challenge – Prof Myles Allen
This lecture was delivered for the Public Policy Institute at the University of Auckland on Tuesday 19 March 2019, as part of the Global Speakers Series. Leading the World to Net Zero: The opportunities and challenges of New Zealand’s Zero Carbon Act New Zealand's...
We need more solution-oriented social science: on changing our frames of reference and tackling big social problems
By Mark Western - This article originally appeared on the LSE Impact Blog. Reproduced with permission. Solution-oriented social science makes solving problems the object of social science, and working on other people’s problems becomes the key driver of the...
New Zealand can lead the world on net zero emissions
New Zealand's decisions in 2019 could help frame the global climate agenda for many decades to come, believes an eminent British climate change scientist. As part of the Institute's 2019 Global Issues Speaker Series, Professor Allen gave a free public lecture:...
Telling Better Stories for the Sake of Civil Society
By Simon Wilson - **This speech was given at the welcome reception for the Public Policy Network Conference, 29 January 2019, at the University of Auckland** It used to be local body politics was the essence of boring. Council meetings were the politics no one...
A little compassion in an age of bullying
By Mike Webster - The University of Auckland's Dr Mike Webster takes a look at a slightly different approach to school and workplace bullying In the days that followed World Compassion Day last week, I couldn’t help but think about the increasing problem of...
Policy strategies for inclusive renewable energy in Aotearoa (New Zealand)
By Anna Berka, Julie MacArthur, Steve Matthewman, Stephen Poletti, and Maria Bargh - Introduction New Zealand faces a range of interconnected challenges in reorienting its energy infrastructure to address both climate mitigation and adaptation goals. These include...
Get real on transport – and improve all our lives
By Jess Berentson-Shaw - With the return of our evidence-driven Associate Minister for Transport Julie Anne Genter to Wellington it is timely to explore why transport is an area in which the evidence is so routinely ignored, even though implementation of what we...
Expanding End-of-Life Choice in New Zealand
By Justin Alsleben - Many people who are terminally ill, or otherwise suffer from serious and irremediable medical conditions, face prolonged and acute suffering at the end of their lives. These medical patients may experience a deteriorated quality of life because...
Some myths about NZ superannuation
By Susan St John - 'Let’s not mindlessly raise the age, argues Susan St John, but try to solve actual problems ordinary people face' Recently a prominent New Zealand weekly magazine ran the story “Fresh moves to raise the age of super to 67”. Yet the Labour-led...
How to Create a Youth-quake Fostering political engagement amongst young people in Aotearoa New Zealand
By Esme Hall - In this blog post I draw on insights from scholarship on political participation and analysis of the New Zealand Election Study from 2008 to 2017 to suggest ways of increasing youth engagement in the policy process. At every election there is a lot...
Swimming Against the Tide: New Zealand Revisits its Refugee Policy
By Dr Tim Fadgen - As local and regional conflicts persist around the globe, and as environmental disasters become more frequent and increasingly severe, refugees are on the move. Concurrently, many nations and states around the world have signalled that people...
CHILD POVERTY ACTION GROUP: Rethinking Social Welfare Summit 2018
By Mike O'Brien - In this, the 80th anniversary of the passage of the Social Security Act 1938, the annual Child Poverty Action Group summit in Wellington was a very good opportunity to review directions and future possibilities. Bringing together the wide range of...