Don’t drop the ball on this one Jacinda

Don’t drop the ball on this one Jacinda

Anomalies in the policy for superannuitants with overseas pensions are an indictment on the justice process in New Zealand, write Susan St John and Dr Claire Dale  Along with many others, the Retirement Policy and Research Centre has worked assiduously for more than a...
High trade hopes between old allies

High trade hopes between old allies

The NZ-UK trade talks that launched recently offer renewed hope and optimism for an agreement that benefits these historical allies, writes Dr Asha Sundaram  The UK’s entry into the European Economic Community, the precursor to the European Union (EU) in 1973...
Health system changes no small task

Health system changes no small task

 By Associate Professor Tim Tenbensel – Implementing recommendations from a major review of the health and disability system will require the Government to bring its A Game, writes Dr Tim Tenbensel  The long-awaited Final Report of the Health and Disability...
A crisis of public spaces

A crisis of public spaces

Diane Brand asks what the post-pandemic city will look like and how do we adjust our concept of urbanism to accommodate it?  *Originally published in Newsroom. Republished with permission Public spaces where people are able congregate, streets, squares, parks and...
Watch: Gender Impact Analysis Policy Forum 2

Watch: Gender Impact Analysis Policy Forum 2

Advancing Equal Pay and Women’s Economic Wellbeing post-COVID19 Recorded Wed 10 June 2020, 1-2pm Despite the passage of the Equal Pay Act in 1972, gender pay gaps remain an intractable feature of the New Zealand labour market. Compared to their male counterparts,...
NZ-Pacific bubble should come first

NZ-Pacific bubble should come first

Dr Collin Tukuitonga Dr Collin Tukuitonga is the inaugural Associate Dean Pacific at the University of Auckland Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences. *Originally published in Newsroom. Republished with permission. Quarantine-free travel between NZ and Pacific...
Watch: Gender Impact Analysis Policy Forum 2

Gender Impact Analysis Policy Forum 2

Advancing Equal Pay and Women’s Economic Wellbeing post-COVID19 Wed 10 June 2020, 1-2pm Online Places are limited, so please register here for the event Despite the passage of the Equal Pay Act in 1972, gender pay gaps remain an intractable feature of the New Zealand...
What the Budget means for women

What the Budget means for women

The Budget’s investment in physical infrastructure is necessary for economic recovery, but it must be recognised that the number of women in those jobs is much lower than in social infrastructure like heath services and education. The Government should consider...