Suicide Prevention: A call to action

Suicide Prevention: A call to action

By Jemaima Tiatia-Seath – One life lost to suicide, is one life too many. The World Health Organisation estimates that globally, 800,000 people die by suicide each year. This is equivalent to a suicide death every 40 seconds. It is predicted that by the year...
The Shapeshifting Crown

The Shapeshifting Crown

By David Williams – An interdisciplinary team of University of Auckland staff from Social Anthropology and Law are nearing the completion of their work on a Marsden Fund project. We are preparing a book manuscript entitled The Shapeshifting Crown: Locating the...
Knowledge Lab: A new shiny app for policy makers

Knowledge Lab: A new shiny app for policy makers

By Barry Milne and Nichola Shackleton – What can we do to get the biggest reductions in obesity, and the greatest improvements in mental health and educational outcomes for NZ children? This is the question that Knowledge Lab, an interactive policy model of...
Policy Pod: Refugees

Policy Pod: Refugees

Refugee quota campaigner Murdoch Stephens talks to Luke Goode about the Doing Our Bit campaign and its impact on policy.   Murdoch Stephens (Massey University) has written on refugee issues for Fair Borders? (edited by David Hall, Bridget Williams Books) and...
Why Space Is Still The Place

Why Space Is Still The Place

With Kevin Jenkins – Space has suddenly become big in New Zealand. Rocket Lab is just one example of what is starting to look like exponential growth in commercial activity, research is following a similar path, and the Government is active in policy and...