Getting Serious about Road and Tourism Congestion

Getting Serious about Road and Tourism Congestion

By Tim Hazeldine – Queenstown is crowded right now, crowded with stranded travellers unable to get home. As of last Friday, every single seat on every single flight to Auckland was sold out, for all this week, on both airlines. For some Aucklanders forced to...
SIMON CORBELL:   ‘Transitioning to a Low Emission Future’

SIMON CORBELL: ‘Transitioning to a Low Emission Future’

Tuesday 27 February, 6-8pm Venue: OGGB, Decima Glenn Room (Level 3) University of Auckland Business School 12 Grafton Road Register online Achieving a successful transition to a low emission future for energy and transportation An effective transition to a low...
Reforming Policy on Cannabis Use in New Zealand

Reforming Policy on Cannabis Use in New Zealand

By Tim Wu – It is just over a year since the death of Helen Kelly, former President of the New Zealand Council of Trade Unions, and ardent campaigner for the legalisation of medical cannabis. Despite suffering from advanced cancer, her own application to take...