Jul 26, 2018 | Policy Commons Blog
As ethnic ‘mixedness’ is on the rise, the message is that individuals must find their own way to become, be, and belong, writes Melinda Webber. The number of people who identify having multiple ethnicities is increasing, both in New Zealand and...
Jul 17, 2018 | Policy Commons Blog
By Jennifer Curtin – [At at a conference of Speakers and Clerks from Australia and the Pacific Islands last week, Labour MP Kiri Allan argued for a change in the travel cap for partners of MPs with young babies, and the National Party pushed back on a...
Jun 26, 2018 | Policy Commons Blog
By Len Cook – The ‘Three Strikes’ law exists because a majority of Members of Parliament want it, although there is no evidence which exists to justify or shape it. This is not an unusual situation, and there are many examples of legislation being weakly...
Jun 19, 2018 | Policy Commons Blog
By Susan St John – Susan St John says the Government’s Tax Working Group will not find real answers for the housing market, and a new kind of tax on our net housing equity is needed. To say that New Zealand has been in the grips of an extraordinary...
Jun 11, 2018 | Policy Commons Blog
By Thomas Basbøll, Rachel Cayley and Oliver March – *Reprinted with permission from the LSE Impact Blog. The act of writing and how it contributes to and shapes the practice of communicating research is a rich topic for consideration for scholars at every stage...