New Zealand Forum for Local & Community Energy

New Zealand Forum for Local & Community Energy

DATE AND TIME Fri 24 August 2018 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM NZST DESCRIPTION You are cordially invited to our Forum for Local and Community energy. Come join us to talk about how we can achieve broader and deeper engagement of consumers, local authorities, Māori and community...
Book Launch: Jess Berentson-Shaw – A Matter of Fact

Book Launch: Jess Berentson-Shaw – A Matter of Fact

             Today it seems that conspiracy and rumour spread faster than ever and are increasingly hard to debunk. How do we convincingly explain the difference between good information and misinformation? Jess Berentson-Shaw, author of A Matter of Fact: Talking...
Public Lecture:  Health Care And Health Reforms

Public Lecture: Health Care And Health Reforms

WHEN: Friday 27 July, 12pm Where:  The University of Auckland Lecture Theatre 018 ClockTower (Building 105) 22 Princes Street THE PUBLIC POLICY INSTITUTE AND THE SCHOOL OF POPULATION HEALTH PRESENT:  “US health care: the Affordable Care Act, Medicare, current...
Evidence and the ‘Three Strikes’ law

Evidence and the ‘Three Strikes’ law

By Len Cook – The ‘Three Strikes’ law exists because a majority of Members of Parliament want it, although there is no evidence which exists to justify or shape it. This is not an unusual situation, and there are many examples of legislation being weakly...
A new way to fix our housing bubble

A new way to fix our housing bubble

By Susan St John – Susan St John says the Government’s Tax Working Group will not find real answers for the housing market, and a new kind of tax on our net housing equity is needed. To say that New Zealand has been in the grips of an extraordinary...