Aug 11, 2019 | Events, Policy Commons Blog
Thursday, August 15, 2019 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM Engineering Building, Room 401 (401-401), 20 Symonds Street REGISTER Spend an evening with the University of Auckland’s Public Policy Institute (PPI), JCI New Zealand, and the University of Auckland’s Public Policy Club...
Aug 7, 2019 | Policy Commons Blog
By Heng Yi Xin, Bachelor of Social Work (Honours), The University of Auckland Hate speech is an issue that has gained concern in the wake of the Christchurch terrorist attacks. Hate speech is defined in s61 of the Human Rights Act 1993 as “words which are...
Aug 6, 2019 | Policy Commons Blog, Policy Pod
Recorded on Friday 2 August at the University of Auckland Listen to New Zealand’s Representatives to the United Nations and key international organisations talking about how New Zealand is addressing the “wicked problems”* we face at the UN and globally; seizing...
Aug 1, 2019 | Events, Policy Commons Blog
‘The Sustainable Development Goals and their Relevance to New Zealand’ Where did we get to with the Millennium Development Goals? Why should we care about the SDGs? What is their significance, globally, and for NZ? How much impact could they have on policy...
Jul 18, 2019 | Events, Policy Commons Blog
Friday 2 August, 1-2pm Social Sciences Lecture Theatre (201N-346) 10 Symonds Street, University of Auckland Join New Zealand’s Representatives to the United Nations and key international organisations to hear how New Zealand is addressing the “wicked problems”* we...
Jul 10, 2019 | Policy Commons Blog, Policy Pod
Co-hosted by the Retirement Policy Research Centre, the Public Policy Institute and TOR 26 April 2019, University of Auckland Outline: The Retirement Income Policy Review terms of reference have been released by the Government, and a project manager for the review is...
Jul 10, 2019 | Policy Commons Blog, Policy Pod
Co-hosted by the Retirement Policy Research Centre, the Public Policy Institute and TOR 26 April 2019, University of Auckland Outline: The Retirement Income Policy Review terms of reference have been released by the Government, and a project manager for the review is...
Jul 10, 2019 | Policy Commons Blog, Policy Pod
Co-hosted by the Retirement Policy Research Centre, the Public Policy Institute and TOR 26 April 2019, University of Auckland Outline: The Retirement Income Policy Review terms of reference have been released by the Government, and a project manager for the review is...
Jul 10, 2019 | Policy Commons Blog, Policy Pod
Co-hosted by the Retirement Policy Research Centre, the Public Policy Institute and TOR 26 April 2019, University of Auckland Outline: The Retirement Income Policy Review terms of reference have been released by the Government, and a project manager for the review is...
Jul 10, 2019 | Policy Commons Blog, Policy Pod
Co-hosted by the Retirement Policy Research Centre, the Public Policy Institute and TOR 26 April 2019, University of Auckland Outline: The Retirement Income Policy Review terms of reference have been released by the Government, and a project manager for the review is...