Jan 29, 2020 | Policy Commons Blog
By Susan St John – Critics continue to view the Working for Families package through a distorted and incorrect lens, writes Susan St John In one of the 2019 stories picked out for Newsroom’s Best of the Year, Beware corporate welfare in disguise, the writer...
Jan 20, 2020 | Policy Commons Blog
By Jennifer Curtin and Yanshu Huang A research report prepared for the Commission for Financial Capability’s Review of Retirement Income Policy, July 2019. The Public Policy Institute (PPI) was commissioned by the Commission for Financial Capability to deliver with...
Jan 20, 2020 | Policy Commons Blog
By Jennifer Curtin and Yanshu Huang (2019) A research report prepared for the Commission for Financial Capability’s Review of Retirement Income Policy, July 2019. This review seeks to answer the following questions: How wide is the Gender Pension Gap in New Zealand?...
Jan 20, 2020 | Policy Commons Blog
By Jennifer Curtin and Olivia Healey (2019) This report is designed to provide a contextual overview of the way relationships are defined, incentivised, and sanctioned in the current welfare system in Aotearoa, and how this compares with similar systems overseas. Our...
Nov 26, 2019 | Policy Commons Blog, Policy Pod
‘The Sustainable Development Goals and their Relevance to New Zealand’ Where did we get to with the Millennium Development Goals? Why should we care about the SDGs? What is their significance, globally, and for NZ? How much impact could they have on policy...
Nov 26, 2019 | Policy Commons Blog, Policy Pod
Professor James Wilsdon (Professor of Research Policy, University of Sheffield) Recorded: Tuesday 12 November at the University of Auckland Enough of experts: does Brexit spell the slow death of British science and evidence-informed decision-making? The UK is...
Oct 28, 2019 | Policy Commons Blog
There is an accepted need to bridge the gap between academic research and public policy. Knowledge brokers, individuals or organisations sympathetic to both research and policymaking cultures and able to mediate between the two, represent one way of doing so. Sarah...
Oct 22, 2019 | Policy Commons Blog, Policy Pod
The 2020 referendum on cannabis legalisation is a historical decision that will lock in New Zealand’s approach to cannabis for years to come. Many people have told us they are looking for balanced information on the different cannabis law reform options, including how...
Oct 21, 2019 | Policy Commons Blog
In less than a decade the impact agenda has evolved from being a controversial idea to an established part of most national research systems. Over the same period the conceptualisation of research impact in the social sciences and the ability to create and measure...
Oct 16, 2019 | Policy Commons Blog
Being able to demonstrate the impacts of research outside of academia has become a standard requirement of a range of research funders. In this post, Toby Green draws on a recent case study of his own published research, to demonstrate how an approach to impact that...