Brenda O’Neill: Policy termination and the case study of water fluoridation in Calgary
What factors lead governments to terminate policy? Although interest in policy termination has grown in recent years, it remains understudied relative to other parts of the policy cycle. This lack of attention is due in part to the relative infrequency of policy...
DAVID STEWART & BRENDA O’NEILL: ‘Should I Stay or Should I Go Now: Party Leader Exits’
The selection of party leaders in Canada, and internationally, has garnered an incredible amount of scholarly attention (Cross and Blais, 2012; O’Brien, 2015; Pilet and Cross, 2014). Much less attention has been paid to the ways in which party leaders leave their...
Uses and Application of Qualitative Research Methods in Policy Evaluations
Assistant Professor Alasdair Jones, London School of Economics Date: Wednesday 28 March, 2pm Venue: Pat Hanan Room, Arts 2 (207-501) University of Auckland I will introduce a programme of work I will be undertaking during my visit to the Public Policy Institute (in...Gabriel Makhlouf: ‘Social Capital and National Wellbeing’
Tuesday 27 March, 5.30pm Venue: Fale Pasifika, University of Auckland Register to attend: https://goo.gl/fbHEEJ The Treasury has an ambition to integrate a broader conception of economics and value into the everyday work of public policy. This is being taken forward...
Professor Tracey Bunda – ‘On Being Aboriginal in Australia: Government policy, political representation and movement to treaty’
Thursday 22 March, 4pm Venue: Arts 1, Room 315 (Level 3, Building 206), 14A Symonds Street Please RSVP here. The Public Policy Institute and Global Studies invite you to a workshop with Professor Tracey Bunda (Ngugi/Wakka Wakka), Head of the College for Indigenous...
Dr Margreet Frieling: The Community for Policy Research and the Living Standards Framework
You can watch a recording of the talk here. Tuesday 27 March, 3-4pm Venue: Room 223, University of Auckland Business School 12 Grafton Road Come and hear Dr Margreet Frieling from the Office of the Chief Economic Advisor. She will be talking about the Community for...
Shorter Timeframes, Co-designed, with “First-cut” Insights: How university policy research can become more responsive to the needs of policymakers
By Tamas Wells and Emma Blomkamp – How might universities develop a research agenda that is responsive to the needs of policymakers? After running a series of workshops on public policy innovation with policy practitioners from various levels of government in...
DAVID STEWART & BRENDA O’NEILL: ‘Should I Stay or Should I Go Now: Party Leader Exits’
You can watch the video here Thursday 15 March, 4pm Venue: OGGB, Case Room 4 (260-009) University of Auckland Business School, 12 Grafton Road The selection of party leaders in Canada, and internationally, has garnered an incredible amount of scholarly attention...